[admin] Remove Mailingslist for my Project cl-ipc

Stefan Kamphausen ska at skamphausen.de
Wed Aug 15 13:48:45 UTC 2007


on common-lisp.net there is a hosted project called cl-ipc which is my


For me this project is finished and (for the time being) abandoned
because I don't need that functionality anymore.

In the last weeks the mailings lists have received some spam which
keeps nagging at my attentiveness-resources every day.  Actually I
don't think that I need any mailinglist at all and want to kindly ask
for the complete removal of those lists (with the possible exception
of the CVS list).

Is that possible?  Of course I will update the website accordingly.

Best regards,
Stefan Kamphausen --- http://www.skamphausen.de
a blessed +42 regexp of confusion (weapon in hand)
You hit. The format string crumbles and turns to dust.

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