[admin] Request for new project space
Vamsee Kanakala
vamlists at gmail.com
Fri Nov 10 03:01:15 UTC 2006
I am Vamsee Kanakala, a web developer from India. I have recently
started learning CL, and I would like to contribute a project that I
have been working on - porting Ruby on Rails' database migrations to CL.
I have been using clsql, Hunchentoot (Dr. Edi Weitz's new webserver
based on TBNL) and other tools for building a small side project, but I
think CL is missing some vital tools that will make web development even
I want to name this project cl-migrations. What it does is provide a
simple way to version-control your database changes. As a web project
grows, it's database will go through numerous changes, but if things go
wrong with a new version, there should be a proper way to disable new
changes to database and bring it back to a previously known good
position. cl-migrations creates a new file with a version number
everytime a new database change to the database structure is to be made.
It can revert, or forward to a given version number, or move the
database to the latest version if no version number is given.
I am attaching my GPG public key. This project is under MIT licence.
Currently I am the only developer on this project. I would like to
request for a darcs repository.
Thanks much,
Best regards,
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