[admin] cl-wav-synth and anonymous cvs

Philippe Brochard hocwp at free.fr
Sun May 7 16:33:17 UTC 2006


afflicted to annoy you with that, but I'm the maintener of
cl-wav-synth on common-lisp.net and I've seen that I have no access to
the anonymous cvs (the member cvs works ok).

here is the command I use as described in the FAQ (it works nice with
climacs for example)

  cvs -z3 -d :pserver:anonymous:anonymous at common-lisp.net:/project/cl-wav-synth/cvsroot co cl-wav-synth

Did I have done something wrong ? How can I enable the anonymous cvs ?

Thanks a lot for your services,



Philippe Brochard    <hocwp at free.fr>

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