[admin] project iaxphone request

Lester Vecsey lvecsey at nyc.rr.com
Tue Feb 21 19:45:30 UTC 2006

This is a request to open a project called iaxphone.

Name: Lester Vecsey
Description: OpenGL Voice over IP application using IAX protocol
License: GPL
Group members: None

Since I already have an lvecsey account set up to manage the cl-libtai 
project, hopefully there will just be minimal work on your part to open up 
this project as that account with all its digital keys can simply be reused 
to manage this project too. Here is a description I have prepared for the 
index.html page so far:

iaxphone is an OpenGL voice over IP application utilizing a single UDP port, 
4569, to reach an <A HREF="http://www.asterisk.org/">Asterisk</A> PBX using 
IAX protocol. The IAX protocol is particularly well suited to NAT 
environments since just this one port needs to be configured and forwarded 
through as it carries both the channel status and voice data on it.

Probably over the next days or weeks I'll have some darcs code to make 
available, and at that point others can assist with providing executable 
binaries and the like for their Lisp implementation and eventually, more 
platforms. This project would build upon the existing common-lisp.net 
projects cffi and cl-opengl


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