[admin] permissions on /project/graphic-forms/svn

Jack Unrue jdunrue at gmail.com
Tue Feb 7 07:05:40 UTC 2006

Hello, thanks for setting up the hosting of my Graphics-Forms project.

The permissions on /project/graphic-forms/svn are currently root:root
and I believe this is the cause of the following error, which I
encountered when attempting an initial import:

C:\projects\graphic-forms>svn import -m"initial source import" .
junrue at common-lisp.net's password:
Adding         trunk
Adding         trunk\README.txt
Adding         branches
Adding         tags
svn: Can't create directory
'/project/graphic-forms/svn/db/transactions/0-1.txn' : Permission

Thanks in advance for your help.

Jack Unrue

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