[admin] Project Hosting: cl-ipc

Marco Baringer mb at bese.it
Sun Aug 28 11:31:00 UTC 2005

Stefan Kamphausen <ska at skamphausen.de> writes:

> I'd like to register a little project at common-lisp.net.

very cool.

> Name: cl-ipc
> Description: CP-IPC provides an interface to the ipc-calls of the libc
>              using UFFI.
> Members: Stefan Kamphausen 
>          http://www.skamphausen.de
>          ska at skamphausen.de
>          (that's me ;-)
>          Edi Weitz
>          (you know him better than I do ;-)

i'll need your public gpg key. if you can get edi to sign it that'd be

> License: I am pretty sure it will be BSD since Edi suggested it.
> If I will be given a unix user at your system (being able to use scp
> makes me think so) I politely ask for the username "ska" (if I may be
> so bold) unless it interferes with your site rules. 

sorry. your user name will be skamphausen. if i can't have segv but
must use mbaringer then, damnit, you can't either :).

Ring the bells that still can ring.
Forget the perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything.
That's how the light gets in.
	-Leonard Cohen

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