[admin] Lisp Education CD as ISO project

Mario Mommer mommer at igpm.rwth-aachen.de
Fri Jan 30 08:24:04 UTC 2004

Nikodemus Siivola <tsiivola at cc.hut.fi> writes:
> PS. As an administrative aside, I still think we should have ftp look
> something like this:
>  pub/
>      projects/... as is
>      extra/...    Wierd special cases like the LispNYC CD that aren't
>                   projects, but still need FTP upload.
>      cclan/...    We should become a CCLAN node.
>      cclan-incoming/...
>                   Public uploads for CCLAN stuff, gets pushed to cclan/ if
>                   signatures match the previous package (or maybe a list
>                   of authorized sigs for that package).

Sounds good!


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