[admin] Hosting for GTKlisp

Mario Mommer mommer at igpm.rwth-aachen.de
Wed Oct 22 13:23:46 UTC 2003

Erik Enge <eenge at prium.net> writes:
> Mario Mommer <mommer at igpm.rwth-aachen.de> writes:
> > I wonder if it would be possible to host the project "GTKlisp" (1),
> > stable and sturdy GTK bindings for Common Lisp, at common-lisp.net.
> Sounds good to me.  Are you the owner of this project?


> I assume you have seen <http://www.cliki.net/cl-gtk>?  Out of curiosity,
> how does this project differ from those mentioned on that page?

The difference to cl-gtk is that it does not work over a socket; it is
the real thing through ffi. I never liked the socket stuff, among
other things because you end up programming in C.

The difference from clg is, for one, that it is easy to
install. the shortest road to hello world is

* (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'gtklisp-examples)
;; [big snip]

* (hello-world)

Then, clg is licenced under the LGPL, and this is under the BSD
"sans-advertising" licence.

I am sure there are other differences, but quite frankly, as nobody
seems to recomend clg, and since it looks abandoned, i decided to
write my own without really looking.  I wanted to learn about the
issues, too, since free and robust toolkit bindings seem scarce.

There is also almost no C code in GTKlisp (only 1 line, which does
nothing. I need it for loading the libraries). It is a full lisp
solution. It should be possible to extend without much hassle.


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