[admin] I'm so confused... <g>

Nikodemus Siivola nikodemus at random-state.net
Thu Nov 13 07:28:06 UTC 2003

On Wed, Nov 12, 2003 at 07:38:54PM -0500, Kenny Tilton wrote:

> I did it once, not sure how...better write this stuff down.

I you do write this down, it might make a good addition to cl.net FAQ
-- it currenly assumes a unix-platform of some sort, and could hence
use more info for Windows users.

> And do I use SCP or SFTP or whatever as the mode in WinSCP3?

SCP as a protocol at least should work. 

The password is your Common-lisp.net password.

If you add your ssh public key to
common-lisp.net:/home/ktilton/.ssh/authorized_keys, and run ssh-agent
you don't even need to give a password at all.

I can't tranlate this to your tools, but here's more detail:

1) Generate the public/private keypair (unless you already have one):

$ ssh-keygen -t dsa -f samplekey
Generating public/private dsa key pair.
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): 
Enter same passphrase again: 
Your identification has been saved in samplekey.
Your public key has been saved in samplekey.pub.
The key fingerprint is:
c6:95:71:d7:17:19:1a:04:53:98:68:a6:bc:da:44:c7 demoss at rhino

2) Add the contents of samplekey.pub to common-lisp.net:~/.ssh/authorized_keys

$ cat samplekey.pub 
ssh-dss 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 demoss at rhino

$ ssh nsiivola at common-lisp.net

Welcome to common-lisp.net!  

No building or CVS/RAM intensive tasks.  Direct questions and
suggestions to admin at common-lisp.net.  Thanks!


No mail.
Last login: Thu Nov 13 02:16:08 2003 from cs78136074.pp.htv.fi
nsiivola at common-lisp$ echo 'ssh-dss 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 demoss at rhino' >> .ssh/authorized_keys

3) Tell ssh-agent about the new key. (This assumes that ssh-agent is already 

nsiivola at common-lisp$ exit
Connection to common-lisp.net closed.

Enter passphrase for samplekey: 
Identity added: samplekey (samplekey)

4) Done! Now you should be able to do passwordless commits,
   uploads, and whatnot. The way this works: when you make the ssh connection
   (which underlies scp and sftp as well) the ssh-daemon on common-lisp.net
   sends you a challenge encrypted with you public key. The ssh-agent running 
   on your machine decrypts it with your private key + passphrase
   pair, and send the response.

  For the long run you probably want to set ssh-agent to run automatically 
  when you login on your computer.


 -- Nikodemus
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