<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;">Windows, ltk-0.96. BTW, I teaching Common LISP for engineers, and using ABLE/SBCL. However, since ABLE does not compile out of the box, I am distributing binaries to the my students. It would be nice if you people could fix the compilation problems that I describe below.<br><br>1 -- able-0.21, SBCL 1.0.52, ltk-0.96, cl-fad-0.6.4, <br> trivial-gray-streams-2008-11-02<br>2 -- I tried to compile and load the programs:<br><br>* (require 'asdf)<br><br>("ASDF")<br>* (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :able)<br>...<br>debugger invoked on a ASDF:COMPILE-ERROR:<br> Error while invoking #<COMPILE-OP NIL {24D9CEB9}> on<br> #<CL-SOURCE-FILE "able" "utils"><br>3 -- I substituted sb-introspect:function-lambda-list<br> for all instances of sb-introspect:function-lambda-list<br>I also
corrected the obvious error (format nil "1.0" temp)<br><br>4 -- I repeated step 2.<br>* (require 'asdf)<br>
* (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :able)<br><br>Compilation was uneventful, but I got a runtime error ----<br><br>Invalid intialization arguments:<br><br>:PADY, :PADX, :CONTAINER<br>In main.lisp, I replaced <br>(setf *editor-frame* (make-instance 'ltk:frame))<br>for<br>(setf *editor-frame* (make-instance 'ltk:frame :container nil :padx 1 :pady 1))<br><br>I compiled the editor once more:<br><br>* (require 'asdf)<br>
* (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :able)<br><br>Again, the compilation was uneventful, but...<br><br>Invalid initialization arguments<br> :PADY, :PADX<br><br>I substituted<br>(setf *listener* (make-instance 'listener ))<br>for <br>(setf *listener* (make-instance 'listener :padx 1 :pady 1))<br><br>This time the error was<br>Tcl/Tk error: unknown option "-background"<br><br>I commented one line at the end of the controls.lisp file:<br><br>(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((sb statusbar) &key)<br> (setf (label sb) (make-instance 'ltk:label :master sb :font *buffer-font*))<br> ; (ltk:configure sb :background *highlight-background*)<br> (ltk:configure (label sb)<br> :background *highlight-background*<br> :foreground *highlight-text*)<br> (ltk:pack (label sb) :side :left :pady 1 :padx 5 :fill :both))<br><br>Now, ABLE works perfectly well. My suggestion is that you modify the sources, so
that the user get an uneventful compilation. In the mean time, I would like to know whether I can post my modified sources in my son's website, so my students will have a working copy of ABLE. Of course, I will remove it from my site as soon as the official distribution is fixed.<br><br><br><br></td></tr></table>