[toronto-lisp] November meeting

Vish Singh vishvajitsingh at gmail.com
Wed Nov 3 03:06:54 UTC 2010

Today we discussed creating a list of good Lisp books recommended by
the members of our group. I will put together such a list if you all
could write down your suggestions and reply to this thread. (The books
listed below can be considered included.) It would go up on
lisptoronto.org for the time being. For the future: It would be nice
to have an open "Toronto Lisp Wiki" that anyone can edit.

 Paul Tarvydas
 Brian Connoy
 Vishvajit Singh
 Aleksandar Matijaca
 Leo Zovic
 Doug Hoyte
 Bryce Moore

a subset of the topics discussed:
- old Lisp book from 1984, 2 pages on macros (what was this book?)
- Land of Lisp book, lots of drawings
- the Little, Seasoned, and Reasoned Schemer books
- International Lisp Conference (and SPLASH, formerly OOPSLA) in Reno,
Nevada, attended by Paul
 * evolving fixes to software bugs
 * picbreeder.org
 * QuickLisp
 * design of the Common Lisp Standard
 * molecular biology needs good hackers
  + easier to teach a coder biology than to teach a biologist to code
  + the genome is in fact much like a computer program
  + surprisingly much of the genome is unused, filled with junk and
old retroviruses
- Rich Hickey's talks and presentations
 * my personal favorite:
- Lisp/Scheme on the iPad and iPhone
- POSIX support in the Windows NT kernel
- Homer: a tool for blind people to find their way in buildings

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