[eurolisp] Fwd: ECOOP07 Lisp Dinner

Hans Hübner hans at huebner.org
Fri Jul 27 10:20:20 UTC 2007


I certainly meant to write 30th of July, not August.  Sorry for that.
The dinner will be on the coming Monday, so far I have 15


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Hans Hübner <hans at huebner.org>
Date: 26.07.2007 09:54
Subject: ECOOP07 Lisp Dinner
To: eurolisp at common-lisp.net


as a social event attached to the 4th European Lisp Workshop
(http://lisp-ecoop07.bknr.net/), we are planning to have a dinner on
Monday, the 30th of August in Berlin, starting at 19:30 hours.  We
have not yet decided what the location will be, and this depends on
how many people will participate.  The dinner will be open to anyone.

If you want to attend, please send me a short email notice.  Also let
me know if you have special dinner needs or wishes.


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