[eurolisp] [ANN] European Lisp & Scheme Workshop - NEWS

rm at fabula.de rm at fabula.de
Tue May 31 13:23:34 UTC 2005

On Sun, May 15, 2005 at 04:01:22PM +0200, Pascal Costanza wrote:
> Here are some news with regard to the 2nd European Lisp and Scheme  
> Workshop in Glasgow, Scotland on July 26, 2005.
> [...]
> - The early registration deadline for ECOOP 2005 is June 13, 2005.  
> Before that date, the fees for participating at the workshop should  
> be considerably lower. However, the fee structure hasn't been  
> announced yet. This will (hopefully) happen during the next few days  
> at http://2005.ecoop.org/fees.html

Hmm, it's 13 day until early registration stops and there's still no information
whatsoever on the fees :-/

Bug or feature?

 Cheers Ralf Mattes

> Please watch the workshop website at http://lisp-ecoop05.bknr.net  
> during the next one or two weeks for more updates.
> Cheers,
> Pascal
> --
> 2nd European Lisp and Scheme Workshop
> July 26 - Glasgow, Scotland - co-located with ECOOP 2005
> http://lisp-ecoop05.bknr.net/
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