I need your CFFI help.

oleg harput olegharput at gmail.com
Mon Nov 2 14:50:52 UTC 2020

*In cl-raylib library (cffi version of raylib game development library) *
*there are many constants inside*

(define-constant +lightgray+ '(200 200 200 255) :test #'equal)
(define-constant +gray+ '(130 130 130 255) :test #'equal)
*I can call those constants in my program like*
*Inside that file there are many things like *

(defcstruct (%vector2 :class vector2-type) "Vector2 type" (x :float)
(y :float))
(defstruct vector2
x y) (defmethod translate-from-foreign (pointer (type vector2-type)
((x y) pointer (:struct %vector2)) (make-vector2 :x x :y y))) *In cl-raylib
there are functions that take "vector2" type as input for example:
v1, Vector2 v2, Vector2 v3, Color color); *But i can not reach them.* *How
can i call them if i can call them directly?, do i need to create them?
What must i do? What is the solution? What must i do?*
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